8 Ways to get a Better Sleep

By on June 12th, 2018


1. Reduce blue light exposure during the night

Blue light wavelengths produced by electronics such as laptops and mobile phone screens boost attention, reaction times and mood, according to Harvard Medical School

Exposure to this artificial light at night can interfere with our internal body clock, which has been linked to many health conditions such as diabetes, cancer and obesity. For a better sleep, avoid looking at bright screens for about two/three hours before bed and instead expose yourself to plenty of light throughout the day.

2. Relax and clear your head

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, the National Sleep Foundation suggests trying out relaxation techniques to help quiet your mind and calm your body such as deep breathing exercises and guided imagery.

3. Avoid caffeine in the evening

Caffeine is a stimulant which promotes alertness in the brain, keeping you from feeling tired and disrupting your sleep if you consume it in the afternoon or evening. One study found that consuming caffeine 6 hours before bedtime reduced total sleep time by one hour

For a better quality sleep, try limiting the amount of caffeine you consume to no more than 400mg a day, as recommended by the NHS and avoid it completely late in the afternoon and evening.

4. Exercise each day

According to the National Sleep Foundation, as little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise each day such as walking or cycling, can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep! So why not start by making small changes such as taking the stairs when possible, walking more or even cycling as a way of getting around the city.

5. Adjust your body clock

Our body has a circadian clock which helps to keep time for many of our biological functions. During the night, this “body clock” triggers the release of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Studies have shown that irregular sleepers have a delayed release of melatonin which also pushes their body clocks back. When this is disrupted, it can have a negative effect on many of the physiological systems in the body, as well as degrading academic performance.

Regular sleep is not only key to your health, but also the secret to academic success. So, find what works for you and try to be as consistent as possible with your sleeping schedule – even on weekends!

6. Don’t eat late at night

A recent scientific study has found that eating late at night can have negative effects on the quality of an individual’s sleep. Another study from the University of California found that consuming food late at night could even negatively affect your memory!

So, if you want to make sure you’re getting the best, most effective sleep possible, try and avoid eating a large meal within three hours right before bedtime.

7. Try meditation

According to HeadSpace, meditation has been shown to help people stress less, become more focused and sleep better. Give the App a go for free!

8. Get comfy

Are you guilty of sleeping on your stomach? According to The Better Sleep Council, sleeping on your stomach can cause strain on your lower back and neck. It has also been reported that people who sleep in this position have a restless sleep caused by frequent tossing and turning in an effort to get comfortable!

Sleep specialists recommend sleeping on your side in order to rest more comfortably and decrease the likelihood of interrupted sleep. Find more information about sleep positions here.


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