Top Tips for Staying Motivated at University
By Megan O'Brien on November 15th, 2021
As sad as it may be, exams and presentations are a big part of our university experiences and sometimes it can take a toll on your mental health. But there are plenty of ways to stay positive, and not let it overwhelm you.
We have pulled together some of our top tips, to help you keep on top of things and perform at your best.
Break the task up
Don’t overwhelmed yourself with stacks of work. Break it up into a manageable system that works for you and doesn’t create unnecessary stress. Make sure the goals you set are achievable within a working session, but aren’t too low that you aren’t pushing yourself.
Have something to look forward to
Whether it’s an exam or a presentation, always have something to look forward to afterwards! That could be a meal, night out or the cinema, anything that can make the study time pass by faster. You deserve to reward yourself!
Do not study in bed
Staying in bed whilst studying makes napping way too tempting. The best thing to do is get out of bed, get dressed, and get to your study space. Getting dressed for the day will help to put you in a productive mindset, make studying easier and create a separation between home and work.
Try different ways of studying
Consider studying in different environments, make use of the amazing study spaces Downing Students accommodations have to offer or book out a meeting room via your halls team for you and your study group. Or try mixing up your revision methods. You may want to change up your revision topics and revise in different ways. There is a range of different revision techniques (flashcards, past papers, mind maps) that you can alternate between, to work out what works for you.
Wake up a little earlier
Waking up an hour earlier may not seem like much, but if you use those minutes wisely then they can be incredibly beneficial. This is especially true since the morning hours set the tone for the rest of your day.
Aim for a healthy balance
Don’t let studying take up all of your time. Remember to save time to give yourselves breaks, maintain your social life and keep up a healthy lifestyle
Let your future motivate you
Sometimes it can feel like the end goal is miles away but university will flash before your eyes. Your goals are never far away so remind yourself of why you are motivated and do not let yourself get defeated by your work.
Surround yourself with motivating people
Surrounding yourself with like-minded friends can help keep you motivated throughout the semester, especially when you have similar workloads to juggle. It is important to remember, different people work in different ways, so surrounding yourself with people who work over longer periods, may make you feel overwhelmed despite it not being right for you.
Get fresh air
It is not beneficial to be inside all day with your head down. Use exercise as a way of getting fresh air. By going for a run, jog or doing home workouts can relieve stress and anxiety, as well as distract yourself from your studies momentarily.
Celebrate wins
When you check a task off of your to-do list – no matter how small that task might be – it is a victory that pushes you one step closer to your end goal and should be celebrated as such.