10 Study Tips for Procrastinators

By on April 26th, 2018


If you often find yourself avoiding the work that needs to be done or telling yourself you work better under pressure (thus leaving everything until the last minute) – you need to stop procrastinating and get yourself back on track!

1. Find a space where there are no distractions

Perhaps this is your bedroom, a quiet study area or the library.

2. Create a list to help you prioritise

And never miss a deadline!

3. Break the task down into bitesize chunks

And reward yourself along the way.

4. Eliminate temptation to do anything else

Turn off WhatsApp notifications during your study time if you know you can’t say no to last minute plans!

5. Create a study timetable with regular breaks

Your brain can only stay focused for so long, so make sure to incorporate regular breaks into your study timetable.

6. Find what time of day works for you

Some people find it easier to work during the night, others are more productive first thing in the morning.

7. Bargain with yourself!

If you get something done now, you can spend time with your friends later.

8. Stay focused

Stay focused on the end result and how good you’ll feel once it’s done.

9. Ask for help if you get stuck

Speak to your lecturer or someone who can help motivate you.

10. Just get the ball rolling

If you’re writing an essay, getting started is usually the hardest part. Just remember no matter how imperfect it is – you can come back and refine later.

Some useful Apps:

1. SelfControl – block yourself from certain websites you might find distracting

2. Maths Alarm Clock – guilty of hitting the snooze button? Wake up to a maths question you have to solve in order to turn your alarm off!

3. Sleep If U Can – get out of bed and take a photo of your sink to turn off the alarm!

4. Babylon – an online language translator to help you solve any problems you might be having during your studies

5. GoConqr – create online mind maps, flashcards, notes and more to help you prepare for exams

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